iChalk: The first internet enabled chalkboard for the Mac OS X.
Camera Obscura renovated.
Rotoscope for the dummies.

Newton's Apple Like iStorm, iChalk incorporates useful features such as a simple chatting system, and innovative tracing feature. iChalk also allows users to export the chalkboard images as JPEG file and even into a Quicktime movie file.

0 Configuration! iChalk uses the new Rendezvous technology to let users collaborate on a shared chalkboard with zero configurations! When a user hosts a chalkboard, others on the local area network will see it immediately in the join list without any hassle.

The new version allows collaboration over the internet almost as easy as using Rendezvous! Chalkboard Open for Editing iChalk also features an elegant one-button interface that lets users utilize all of iChalk's networked editing functions with a click of a mouse. (Or command + return.) The button doubles as a status indicator of the availability of the chalkboard. If it is red, a collaborator is using the chalkboard. If it is blue, you are using it. If it is green, the board is free for anyone to draw on. Could it be more intuitive?

Trace! Doodle! iChalk let's users do anything they could do with a regular blackboard, and more! Users can use the blackboard for teaching math, swapping ideas on a graphical organizer, or just doodle! The endlessly amusing trace feature let's users drag and drop pictures onto the blackboard, and trace over it with ease. The whole history of collaboration may be captured into a QuickTime movie. iChalk also lets pen and tablet users to turn on pressure sensitivity and use the eraser on the top of the stylus.
And by the way, it now supports full color as well as different board color options. The board size can be changed even during a collaborative session.

With iChalk 3.3, users can now add text to their drawing. To attach a chemical formula to your Krebs cycle diagram. With the built- in Quicktime archive capability and if you have a Wacom, you know what? You are now an innovative comic book artist!

iChalk requires Mac OS 10.2 and a local area network.
Click to See iChalk in Action

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