Top 10 Things Not To Do with iStorm
To check local weather.
To drop a 50 mb Quicktime movie into the document and go for lunch while your collaborators stare at the red button.
To see if it can turn your iBook into a perfect Homework duplication machine.
To create endless lists of Top 10 this and that.
To start a spontaneous book discussion in the local iStarbucks. Not a bad idea..., but this time you shouldn't have, as your significant other is getting bored sitting in front of you.
To wonder how many hours it will take Apple engineers to incorporate it into Sherlock. (Knock on wood...)
To wonder if Al Gore invented it along with the internet.
To show it off to Windows users and somehow end up with the spinning rainbow.
To show it to a big corporate IT head who just spent millions on a fancy collaboration center, especially if he is your boss.
To plan a(nother) War :-(