Leaving a collaboration
So, you feel that you had enough of your collaborators' company. Or you are being called at the dining table. How do you leave the group behind?
Save the document
If you choose to save in the native iStorm document format (default), all the content of the document including the transcript in the chat window will be saved. If you save as a generic Rich Text file, it discards the chatting content as well as the iChat components such as the background color choice and the imported background image. This will save a file compatible with most Rich Text editors (including Microsoft Word). Also note that you can export (in the File menu) into plain text format. In that case, any pictures or Quicktime media data will be replaced by text tags which begins with %%iStormMediaFile followed by their internal-name of the files (as used in a RTFD file). Baby Math results, if the source code had been attached to the result, will have been replaced with: %%iStormBabyMathFormula: # your Baby Math codes # .
Baby TeX result will have the tag for the pdf or tiff image, and will be followed by the actual tex source code, if it was attached to the image. Note that use of %% is deliberate to ease the way the file be imported into a dedicated TeX program such as TeXShop.
If you were not hosting:
Your responsibility is little. Click the Connect button on the toolbar or choose Connect (command-K) to bring up the connect window. You will see the blue button, which says Disconnect. Click. All others remaining on the collaboration will hear a rude door-closing sound and your name will be dropped from the list of people in the group. From then on, your document remains local and you are free to do whatever you desire. Your collaborators will go on as if nothing important happened....
If you were hosting:
You are just about to drop all your collaborators cold. With a heavy heart, click the Host button on the toolbar or choose Host (command-shift-K) to bring up the Host window. You will see the blue button, which says Retire. Click.
This sends signals to everybody in the group notifying them that you are retiring. Each of them will then stop, and will drop their connection. If everything goes well, everybody will have dropped connection, with his or her document in the local mode.
Closing an active window
The first thing that happens is equivalent to choosing retire/disconnect described above. You will be asked if you would like to save if the document is dirty.