Web Editor
[ For iStorm 3.0 or later running on Panther 10.3 or later versions of OS X ]
Jan now wants to use iStorm to edit his extensive web site with some help from his pal, Jane, who happens to be (quite predictably by now) the more capable of the duo.
With iStorm 3.1, he now finds that there is an item called Show Web Editor (Command-Shift-W) in the Tools menu. Upon choosing it, it opens an embarrassingly empty window. He types in the upper part of the window the only html code he can remember how to write:
Jan's Webpage
and press the "Update from" Text button. He finds that the lower half of the panel now displays the rendered web page. He thinks: Hmmm. I can use this to write all my web pages and blogs from now on. Maybe I can teach Jane a trick or two about how to write html code.
Unfortunately, he immediately hits the html-writer's block and can not proceed further. So he decides to do some creative borrowing. In his home directory, there is a folder named Sites which contains bunch of html files. In there, he remembers that Jane had made a folder called test and left some files there when she was trying to teach Jan how to make a web page.
He finds two files
(Home)/Sites/test/head.gif .
He drags the file index.html into the main document window of iStorm. He finds that it appears in the document simply as an icon.
(If the Web Editor module was already open by selecting Show Web Editor in the Tools menu,
he could have just dragged the source file into the source editing portion of the module. An disadvantage of doing that will be
the original source file may not be archived as part of the istorm document.)
Double clicking the icon opens up the Web Editor window, and this time the source code section is filled with the text of index.html.
Jan's home page
Jan's home page